Pathfinder Health and Human Performance

...resources in the Drain-Jordan Library, West Virginia State College
How do I get started?
Our Reference Department is a great place to get started; it has subject specific dictionaries, handbooks, field guides and encyclopedias which will help you define and focus upon your topic. Reference librarians are on duty at all hours and they are willing and able to assist you. Health and Human Performance materials use LC call number ranges H (Social Sciences), QM (Human Anatomy), QP (Physiology), and R (Medicine).

Social Sciences Index, Index Tables. Periodical Room. Indexes the periodical literature of the social sciences. Excellent index to use when your topic combines another social science field such as psychology or gerontology.
We subscribe to several large Internet-based periodical indexes which provide you with full-text articles. EBSCOHost contains Medline and Business Source Plus, while Infotrac Searchbank contains the Health Reference Center and General BusinessFile ASAP databases. PsycINFO contains indexing of journals, books and dissertations relating to psychology and very pertinent information for current issues and mental health; it is currently on of EbscoHost's set of databases. For access to these databases, look on the library home page ( for the words Mag/Journal Indexes with FullText.
Where do I find


Use our "Periodical Holdings List". We publish a list of our periodicals each semester and scatter them throughout the library. This alphabetical list tells you what titles we own, the years and volumes, and the format. Library staff will help you find the titles in our Periodicals Room. Periodicals cannot be checked out, but may be photocopied.

Here are just a few of the many reference titles that may help you.
  • The Nutrition and Health Encyclopedia - Ref QP 141 T88
  • Personal Health Reporter - Ref R 684 .P47 1993
  • Health, United States (series) - Ref RA 407.3 U57a
  • Nutrition and Fitness - Ref RA 776 .M174 1993 v.4
Since reference books must remain in the library, it may be necessary for you to search the Chameleon Book Catalog for circulating books. The catalog allows simple (Title Author Subject Keyword) searches and more complex boolean searches. The (search) type has a drop down menu for selection of the field type to search. Select a subject search and enter the subject for your paper or presentation. You can use terms you found in reference works or check the Library of Congress Subject Headings, the "Big Red" books, also located in the lobby area.



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